The Area measurement tool places specialized markups that calculate the area of a polygonal shape. Area measurements are always closed shapes; for an open-shaped polygonal measurement, see Perimeter Measurement. For a similar markup without the measurement, see the Polygon Tool.
As with any measurement, be sure to calibrate the document first.
Click on each point of the desired shape.
Select a markup to reveal its control handles. Each handle controls a different aspect of the markup's size and orientation.
To rotate the markup, click and drag the orange handle outside the markup (when the markup is first placed, it will be at the top). By default, the markup is rotated in increments of 15°; to rotate in increments of 1°, hold down SHIFT while dragging.
The rotation can also be entered in the Rotation field found in the Layout section of the Properties tab.
To rotate the caption, click and drag the orange handle directly over it. By default, the markup is rotated in increments of 15°; to rotate in increments of 1°, hold down SHIFT while dragging.To return a rotated caption to its original position, right-click it and select Reset Caption Position.
To move the entire markup together, click and drag a part of it other than the control handles.
To resize a line or change its angle, click and drag the appropriate yellow handle.
To scale the markup up or down, click and drag the appropriate purple handle.
See Editing Markups for more information.
The appearance of the Area measurement is configurable, including line and fill color, hatch pattern, line width and style, opacity, plus the font style of the caption and whether or not to show it.
To change the appearance of an Area measurement, select it and click the Properties tab.
Color: Sets the line color.
Fill Color: Sets a fill color.
Highlight: Makes the fill color and/or hatch pattern transparent so underlying content shows through.
Opacity: Sets the line opacity, from 0 (invisible) to 100 (opaque).
Fill Opacity: Sets the fill opacity, from 0 (invisible) to 100 (opaque).
Line Width: Sets the thickness (in points) of the line. A setting of 0 effectively renders the line invisible.
Style: Determines the line pattern.
Show Caption: Select to include the caption text on the markup.
Show All Measurements: Select to include all measurements applicable to the markup, not just the default measurement.
Show Centroid: Select to show the geometric center of the shape. If necessary, the caption will be automatically adjusted to be below the centroid.
Font Size: Sets the size of the font.
Text Color: Sets the color of text.
Font Style: These settings control the formatting of the text. Options include Bold, Italic, Underline, and Strikethrough. Generally, any combination of these styles can be applied to format the text.